
Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a collaborative effort between you and your therapist, a 1-on-1 process. The goal is to provide an open, supportive, and confidential environment for you to address the issues, or barriers, in your life and help you down a path toward achieving your personal goals and objectives. 

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy helps couples understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship.  Couples therapy gives couples the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, problem solve, and even argue in a healthier manner.  Couples therapy can be short term or long term. Some couples may need only a few sessions to help them weather a crisis, while other couples may need counseling for several months if their relationship has greatly deteriorated 

Children & Adolescent Therapy

Children and adolescent therapy (1 to 18 years of age ) provides individualized counseling to meet the needs of a troubled child or adolescent who is experiencing emotional, academic, psychological, family, vocational or social distress. Children, as well as adults, can be affected by emotional strains that need to be resolved through therapy. Depression, low self-esteem, poor school performance, ADHD/ADD, eating disorders, social isolation and shyness, bullying, sexual maltreatment, substance abuse — are some of the problems that children and young adults struggle with today.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of counseling that may have one or more objectives. Family therapy may help to promote better relationships and understanding within a family. It may be incident specific, for example, family therapy during a divorce or the approaching death of a family member. Alternately family therapy may address the needs of the family when one family member suffers from a mental or physical illness that alters his or her behavior or habits in negative ways.

Family therapy often occurs with all members of the family unit present. This may not always be the case. A family member who suffers from an addiction might not attend sessions, and might actually be the reason why other family members seek out family therapy.

Part of the goal of the therapist is to observe interactions between family members. Another part is to observe the perception of non-interacting family members. In addition to observation the therapist often helps the family reflect on better ways of communicating with each other, so family therapy may in part be instruction and encouragement. In fact, family therapy often teaches family members new and more positive ways to communicate to replace negative communication patterns.

Parenting Classes

Parenting classes provide families the tools to help parents teach their children the life skills they need to become healthy, productive adults. Besides being one of the most difficult jobs you will ever do, parenting is by far the most important! Whether you are a parent or a professional providing support for families you know how challenging parenting can be. Parenting classes are ongoing, please call for schedule dates.